May 25, 2020
© Can Stock Photo / MillefloreImages
Today is Memorial Day. As the daughter of a World War II Veteran and granddaughter of a World War I Veteran; my growing up years meant a lot of time at the American Legion Hall. I was in the Junior Auxiliary for our local Post. Memorial Day was an all day event, honoring those that had died while serving.
I remember my Dad pulling out his uniform and looking so different than his regular, everyday farmer attire. After the parade, which he marched in with fellow Veterans, we would end at the country cemetery where a service was held. It always concluded with playing of Taps; and then the 21-gun salute. My Dad was one of those with a gun. It always made me shudder as I heard the mournful bugle playing Taps; and then heard the shots. I felt the same way the day of my Dad’s funeral; when graveside, that same mournful bugle sound played and the still startling shots rang out.
I think that is what Memorial Day is meant to do… make us shudder… make us mournful… make us remember… make us understand the price for democracy and freedom.
My gratitude to my father and my grandfather for their service, deepens, as I remember so many that served and did not make it home.
There is much I am mournful for this Memorial Day. I pray for our country. I pray for democracy and freedom. I pray for those who have suffered because a loved one made the greatest sacrifice for this country. I am grateful for a day to remember.
For those who wish more information about the differenc between Memorial Day and other days to remember, I attach a link to an article with basic overview:
I end tonight with this prayer, from The Chaplain's Resource Manual by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
“God grant to the living, grace; to the departed, rest; to the Nation, peace and concord; to us all Your servants the promise of everlasting life, light to guide us on our way, courage to support us, and Your blessing to unite us in service to You our God and this our Country. Amen.”